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Fusion-Hosts Forum is finally up!

Posted by romes, 11-26-2008, 12:11 AM
Fusion-Hosts Forum is finally up!

I get this question all the time…”How come you don’t have a forum up?” I thought about this question for sometime now, and I decided to do it. I decided to open a forum that offers a friendly environment, and support for my clients at the same time. The forum will be a friendly place to chat, have a good time, and to make new friends. I also decided to offer bonuses for chatting on the forum. I’ll explain below.One bonus would be points. I haven’t decided the amount of space and bandwidth can be earned by posting, or the amount of points needed. I will make my decision on my forum during the week.There are many forums of various topics that will keep you posting and earning hosting in no time. You can also use your points to buy various things on the forum. From changing your display name to custom titles. I hope you all come and join me on my forum, and help make it a great place to chat, meet friends, and help one another.www.Fusion-Hosts.com/forum/ is the link. I hope to see you all there

__________________www.Fusion-Hosts.com - Fast Servers - 100% Uptime So farShared | Reseller | Web Services | My BlogZERO Overselling Policy | Friendly Staff | Around since 2006! | 256-Bit SSL Encryption!

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