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Site5 Under New Ownership!

Posted by bwb, 10-28-2008, 02:52 PM
Site5 Under New Ownership!


We wanted to take a moment to discuss some big news with you. As of today, Matt and I, the original founders of Site5, will be leaving our last remaining posts at this fine company and turning things over to a new pair of very eager and capable hands. While this may come as a bit of a surprise, we can assure you that it only means bigger and better things for Site5.
We will be leaving the keys to the castle, so to speak, to the leadership of two very talented web hosting industry veterans, Ben Welch-Bolen and Joel Brown. We’ve known and worked with Ben and Joel for quite some time and know them to be great, open, honest, hard-working individuals. Matt and I have absolute confidence that they will keep Site5’s original spirit alive while also taking you all to much greater heights in terms of service and the web hosting experience.
Also be assured that other than this transition, the rest of the great Site5 team will be staying intact. All the Site5 staffers you know and love will still be here to assist you!
So finally, we just wanted to thank you, our customers, who have stuck with us over the years and helped Site5 to become what it is today. With your loyal business, support and feedback, Site5 has achieved a great deal as a web host, more than we could have ever dreamed in the past ten years. It has been a pleasure working with and serving you all. We will miss you and the rest of our family here at Site5, but we will now be expecting to see even more amazing things from Site5 in the near future.
Ben and Joel will be making a an official blog post tomorrow on Wednesday, October 28th to introduce themselves to the Site5 community! For more information in the meantime and to ask questions please read the official forum announcement.
With Great Thanks,
Matt Lightner and Rod Armstrong

For more information and to ask questions please visit the official forum post.
Thanks, Ben Welch-bolen
Site5 CEO

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