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Gixxer PC buys out YourInterWeb.com

Posted by GixxerPC, 10-26-2008, 08:36 PM
Gixxer PC buys out YourInterWeb.com

Good Evening,
Today is indeed a great day for Gixxer PC and the customers of YourInterWeb.com.
As of 10/26/2008, Gixxer PC has bought out YourInterWeb.com. To all of the customers/clients of www.yourinterweb.com, your logins for the billing/support panel has been carried over.
All of the files have been moved from YourInterWeb.com's servers to our own. Your plans have been upgraded as well.
To view Gixxer PC's plans, visit http://www.gixxerpc.com/web-hosting.html
Your pricing has also been changed, if you were previously paying $4.95 per month for the 1 GB of Space, and 20 GB of transfer, you are now paying $3.45 for 10 GB of Space, and 100 GB of transfer!
A lower price, and more space / bandwidth to boot!
You will also see an increase in support participation over what you might have been used to with YourInterWeb.com
If you are currently managing your own domain, please change your name servers to the following,
You should have received a number of emails from Gixxer PC with your login information.
Thank you for your time and we look forward to hosting your sites for a long time.
Note: All due dates have not changed. If you prepaid for a year, this has been carried over to Gixxer PC so expect to pay when your payment was originally due.
Thanks again!

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