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New Website Poll - what tutorials should DemoWolf develop?

Posted by demowolf, 10-21-2008, 02:01 PM
This is just a quick note to make you aware that we’ve done a little updating to our home page and added a poll whereby you can vote on which tutorials you’d like to see us develop, AND you can submit other suggestions which we’ll then add to the poll (usually within a couple hours of receiving your suggestion).
Here’s how it works:
First, go to http://www.demowolf.com
Notice the “What other tutorials should we develop” section in the right margin. From there you can select from the listed “suggestions”, and/or choose “other” to be able to type in additional suggestions. When you click “Vote”, the list will update right away and show you how many votes each choice has received. In addition, your additional suggestions will be emailed to us so that we can add them to the list (usually within a couple hours).
This will act as a guide for us when deciding which tutorials we add to our production schedule. It will ALSO be something you can view to see what tutorials we’ll likely be developing next.
As we develop and release tutorials from this list, we will remove them from the list, but won’t reset the votes for the other suggestions that remain. We plan on this being an “ongoing poll”. Not at all scientific, but we think it will be a useful tool. I suppose time will tell. As always, feedback is welcome!
One final note. We often will require someone to provide us with access to a dummy/test account in order to produce tutorials. If you are willing to provide such access, we’d love to hear from you. In exchange for your help, we’ll provide you with a free copy of those tutorials when they’re ready… in both voice AND non-voice versions.
A final, final note. We've had to rebuild our mailing list since the service we used up until now has ceased providing that service. We are now using iContact which seems to be a solid service. So this message is being sent to all past customers of DemoWolf. We send an email to our list about 4-5 times per month, usually whenever we release new tutorials to our inventory. If you do not want to receive emails from us in the future, you can unsubscribe using the link below.
That’s it for now. New releases coming before the end of the week… watch for them

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