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FusionBB Steps Up Release Schedule

Posted by VertexBilly, 07-28-2007, 09:18 PM
InteractivePHP, inc., developers of the FusionBB (www.fusionbb.com) forum software announced new management changes on July 8th 2007.

Only weeks after the version 2.1.1 release of FusionBB it was announced that FusionBB has enacted several changes to the company’s internal structure which will allow for more frequent and aggressive software releases.

Billy Cooter of VertexHost.com has joined InteractivePHP, Inc., as the new Managing Partner. Chris Peterson, long time volunteer at FusionBB has officially joined the FusionBB team as a Community Support Specialist and can frequently be seen on the FusionBB.com forums helping customers make the best use of their software.

These changes in the day to day structure of the company will allow lead developer Josh Pettit to work more closely with developers on adding new features and further improving the already feature-rich FusionBB forum application.

Though Version 2.1 was only released in June the team has already added key features, such as an intelligent captcha system and quality upgrades to the administrative interface for a 2.2 release which is due out in late August or early September.

FusionBB.com is forum software that is designed to be both easy to use for a forum novice and powerful enough to keep forum pro’s happy. A full list of features of the FusionBB forum software can be found at http://fusionbb.com/features.php.

FusionBB was built from the ground up as an application with a light foot-print and low server resource. The quality programming along with FusionBB’s strong features including: built in photo gallery, multi person private topic, fully integrated portal, MyPaymentPal (integrated PayPal payment system) and many more has attracted a strong following and makes FusionBB forum software a great value.

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