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Equentity LLC, Sanfire/Eirca form strategic alliance

Posted by the_pm, 06-26-2007, 02:17 PM
CONTACT: Paul Hirsch
Phone: 800-597-8712
Email: http://www.equentity.com/Contact-Us/...nformation.php

Equentity LLC, Sanfire/Eirca form strategic alliance

UNIONTOWN, Ohio (June 26, 2007) - Sanfire (an Eirca Ltd. company) and Equentity LLC announce the formation of a strategic alliance designed to further the business objectives of each company. As Web hosting and Web development providers with complementary strengths, this alliance will allow both companies to collectively satisfy a wider customer base and experience more rapid growth in their respective areas of expertise.

"This alliance allows Sanfire to focus its energy on our core services, specifically H-Sphere hosting solutions and flexible managed dedicated servers" said Simon O'Rourke, CEO of Eirca Ltd./Sanfire. "We receive favorable Web design terms from Equentity LLC, one of the forerunners in online development. In return, we will help sustain Equentity LLC's hosting support structure, as well as provide them with hosting resources that otherwise would not be available to them. Equentity LLC will assume point for cPanel hosting operations for the foreseeable future, giving them the opportunity for aggressive growth in this field."

Equentity LLC recently announced the public launch of its cPanel-based shared, reseller and dedicated hosting business. The Equentity LLC/Sanfire alliance was a primary factor in the formation of this new channel. "Sanfire has put us in a great position to take a service we've offered privately for years and open it up to the public market," said Paul Hirsch, co-owner of Equentity LLC. "We are excited about the possibilities this alliance holds for both of us."

This alliance is based on the exchange of corporate services and mutual support of business channels. Neither company has received any degree of financial control over the other.

For more information on Equentity LLC hosting, visit: http://www.equentityhost.com

For more information on Sanfire hosting, visit: http://www.sanfire.com

For more information on Eirca Ltd., visit: http://www.eirca.net


About Equentity LLC
Founded in summer 2005, Equentity LLC is a joint venture between three internationally located Web developers and marketing specialists. The company is owned and operated by Ohio-based Paul Hirsch, and United Kingdom-based Jamie Harrop and Paul Riddick. Its clients include businesses, organizations and individuals in Northeast Ohio, as well as customers throughout the United States and the United Kingdom. For more information, please visit the company Web site at www.equentity.com.

About EIRCA Ltd.
The mission of establishing EIRCA Ltd. has been premium technical support and complete automation. The company is best known for its specific dedication to the reseller web hosting service. To find out more on EIRCA Ltd. or the H-Sphere Reseller Hosting service, please visit http://www.eirca.net

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