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SJR Hosting changes name to SharkSpace

Posted by ScottJ, 08-06-2006, 04:05 PM
SJR Hosting (www.SJRHosting.com), a shared, reseller and dedicated hosting provider, unveiled the new company name SharkSpace (www.SharkSpace.com) and a new interactive website on August 6th, 2006. The company was not sold nor acquired; it was just renamed.

After several successful years in the hosting industry SJR Hosting decided to make the name change because SJR Hosting is not brandable while SharkSpace is. The company ran a survey of 100 people asking if all things were the same which company would you sign up with, SJR Hosting or SharkSpace, and 89% of the people chose SharkSpace based on the name alone. The CEO, Scott Jones, said, “SJR Hosting built a very respectable name for itself over the years, but this name change was needed to take the company to the next level.”

Along with the name change SharkSpace will also offer an improved, more reliable hosting environment and live sales chat. The company also announced that live 24/7 support chat will be added in the upcoming months. “With the new name SharkSpace should be able to go to the next level where we can provide our customers with every feature that will make their hosting experience reliable, fast and easy to use. The name change is only the start of the new exciting things to come,” said CEO Scott Jones.

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