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Teenage CEO of Voxxit breaks first $100,000 in revenue

Posted by Voxxit, 07-24-2006, 08:09 PM
For immediate release

Contact: Josh Delsman

Fort Lauderdale, Florida (US) -- Josh Delsman started his web design and hosting company when he was 16-years-old. Today, almost 2 years later, he's generating over $100,000 a year in revenue. And his business is poised to take off.

"I've been working with computers since I was six," said the young entrepreneur, a senior at McFatter Technical high school where he is studying new media design. "It was logical for me to be able to help businesses and individuals who don't have the same degree of knowledge and experience."

When he turned 16, Delsman started working in local retail establishments, putting about $100 a week into his computer sideline, providing web hosting services to a small group of customers. "I soon realized I was making more with the online business than I could hope to make in retail," he said. "So I quit my wage-slave job and went into this full time."

Delsman took his savings of about $3,000 and launched his company, Voxxit LLC, in December 2004. "Vox is Latin for voice," said Delsman. "I believe peoples' websites should speak for themselves. That's my philosophy in web design. Keep it simple; let web users quickly and easily find what they're looking for and move on to the next to-do list item."

At the same time he was helping clients with web design, he built out a custom web hosting platform, operations center, customer response center and a website for his company (www.voxxit.com). He soon had a base of about 50 customers giving him a steady income to grow the business.

"We have a 99.9% uptime guarantee, as well as a money back guarantee," said Delsman. "We advise our clients well in advance of any planned downtime [for maintenance or upgrades] and if we have any unplanned downtime we compensate customers with free days of access."

A student and entrepreneur, Delsman finds time to work with several non-profit organizations including the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network’s national Jump-Start Leadership Team and Equality Florida. He also facilitates the youth group at the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of South Florida in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Thursday evenings.

About Voxxit
Voxxit is an emerging provider of web design, web hosting and Internet consulting services for businesses and non-profit 501c3 organizations worldwide. Locally, Voxxit is one of the only web services companies to offer non-profits affordable pricing on web services. Voxxit’s mission is to make accessible, usable web sites for all Internet users. Now, Voxxit is offering a discount of as much as 50% to 501c3 non-profit organizations for web design, web hosting and Internet consultation. For general information, call 800-784-9402 or visit www.voxxit.com.

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