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HIVELOCITY- Now Offering Dedicated Servers Built & Optimized for vBulletin Forums

Posted by HivelocityGM, 07-16-2013, 12:26 PM
At some point, every forum owner starts to notice the same things. First, pages load a little bit slower than they used to. Occasionally it will take so long that you end up refreshing the page. Then members start to notice it as well, and start wondering aloud what happened to the site.

So you go looking for answers, and 90% of the time the answer is, ‘You are running too many queries for your server to handle’. That’s because a forum, more than any other type of website hosting, is query based.

There are three possible solutions here, you can try to reduce the number of queries through optimization software, you can reduce the number of queries by removing features from your forum, or you can upgrade your hosting plan.

When people choose option three, they are often disappointed. That’s because most hosts will just throw a package with ‘more everything’ at you, even though you don’t need the extra RAM or CPU power. That spike in CPU load? That’s because your MySQL got backed up, not because you need a new processor. All you need is a way to handle queries faster and more efficiently.

Hivelocity understand the needs of forum owners, and have designed a range of vBulletin dedicated servers specifically tailored to the problems and issues forums are likely to encounter as they grow. With Solid State Drives as standard, the dedicated servers Hivelocity provides will be handling query volumes that have competing servers choking under the load.

As your site outgrows even those servers, Hivelocity can setup a dual-server solution designed to let you have one server handle your database queries and another handling your web hosting needs. Our expert staff will always make sure you get the upgrade that’s right for you, not just the next most powerful CPU.

As a special bonus, anyone hosted by Hivelocity gets 25% off any vBulletin add-on at DragonByte Technologies, the world leader in vBulletin Mods & Addons, making it cheaper and easier than ever to outperform and outclass your competition. The DragonByte Coupon Code is provided upon signup of any dedicated server with Hivelocity.

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