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ClientExec 2.6.x Released

Posted by Alberto, 01-11-2006, 08:50 PM
We are proud to announce the release of Clientexec 2.6, the most recent Stable version of Clientexec. If you currently have an active support & upgrade plan with Clientexec, are a Reseller or lease Clientexec, you may login to our Members Center to download the most recent version.

Our members center is located at http://www.clientexec.com/members . Please read the install.txt file for installation instructions. ALWAYS, back up your database prior to any sort of upgrade. If your support has expired, please contact sales[@]clientexec.com to extend your support.

I have attached the Changelog below:


* Announcements: New module that replaces system messages, offering the following features:
  • Edition of messages through a WYSIWYG rich text editor.
  • Ability to create messages as drafts, to be published later.
  • Besides text and images, user can embed sound, movies and flash
  • Message publication and e-mailings to different kind of recipients: all users, selected users, users by server or packages
  • Publication of public messages, accessible trough RSS (/rssAnnouncements.php) or HTML (/publicAnnouncements.php, which is based on the template publicAnnoucements.tpl)

* Signup:
  • Now based on templates
  • Added phone verification service with MaxMind
  • Added captcha image to avoid signup floods
  • Allow admins to order packages how they would like to display them in signup.
  • Removed setup charge in checkout if its value is equal to 0
  • Removed ‘Domain Registration Extra’ setting, which wasn’t doing anything
    1. updated cwhois library to version 1.79 (19/09/05):
    2. Updated .jp for new whois server
    3. Updated .co.za
    4. Added .gov support
    5. Added .pt .com.pt .nome.pt support
    6. Added .ve .co.ve .com.ve .net.ve .web.ve .nom.ve .firm.ve .store.ve
    7. .rec.ve .info.ve .org.ve
    8. Added .ug, .co.ug .or.ug .ac.ug .sc.ug .go.ug .ne.ug .org.ug .mil.ug
    9. Added .uz

* Dashboard:
  • Ability to toggle graph legend
  • Added checkboxes to trigger server plugin and domain registration upon packages activation (task #6)
  • Replaced old System Messages feature by new Announcements. The systemmsg field of the database table users will remain during versions 2.6.x in case users want to retrieve old system messages. In version 2.7.0 this field and corresponding data will be removed.

* Clients:
  • Added field for domain name registration length when manually adding a package
  • Added toggle all checkbox and delete button to all client list screens
  • In the profile screen, added checkboxes to trigger server plugin and domain registration upon packages activation
  • Added add package link in the clients menu

* Billing:
  • Added invoice number to PDF filename
  • E-mail receipts now have attached the PDF invoice with a paid stamp image (task #18)
  • The billing cycle (monthly, quarterly, etc) that appears in the invoice entry detail is now translated

* Support:
  • Added setting to notify of high priority tickets
  • Ability to disable support module and redirect users elsewhere
  • Removed checkboxes column in tickets lists for customers, because they were useless
  • Added view closed tickets and submit support ticket links under the support menu

* Reports:
  • Added ability to export client and invoices data to csv files (task #14)
  • Added report to search support tickets, with a search box in the right panel
  • Added ability to make each report public, and thus give access to other staff members (not customers)
  • Show friendly message if GD extension is not present, instead of blank page
  • Central logging features and enhanced security.
  • jpgraph include lines:
    change from include(’../../classes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php’) to require_once ‘classes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php’;
    (do this for all jpgraph libraries to, like jpgraph_bar.php)
  • image tags URLs:
    change from, for example, < img src='plugins/reports/annual_income-income.php?viewimage=1'/>
    to < img src=\"index.php?fuse=".cREPORT."&report=".urlencode('Annual Income')."& viewimage=1\" />

* Plugins:
  • Added support for Plesk
  • CPanel: Full support for remote server provisioning: no need to have installed both CPanel and CE in the same server anymore.
  • CPanel: Added reseller support
  • Registrars: added extra attributes fields in ‘add package’ screen and signup for TLDs that need them (.us, .uk, .org.uk, .ca and others)
  • Protx: Now works with register_globals off

* Templates:
  • Style sheets will be sent gzipped to the browser (needs zlib compiled in PHP)
  • Cleanup of Raleigh and Sunshine style sheets

* Others:
  • Upgrades: after the code is upgraded, login will be disabled until the admin upgrades the database as well by running install.php
  • New logging framework that can be abilitated from config.php. Five logging levels:
    - 0: No logging
    - 1: Security attacks attempts, errors and important messages (recommended level)
    - 2: + Request URIs and URI redirections
    - 3: + POST and COOKIE values
    - 4. + SQL queries
    - 5: Maximum verbosity: plugin events, curl requests,
    some function calls with their parameters, etc. (use this when sending logs to support)
  • Eliminated popup confirmations: success/failure messages will be shown in the following screen instead
  • Fixed File does not exist: javascript/overlib.js
  • Fixed File does not exist: htdocs/favicon.ico
  • Added Setting and system message to temporary disable login for customers
  • Ability to use multiple browser windows without problems
  • Tables will remember number of records to show per page (same setting used for every table) (request #23)
  • As of this version only the Ioncube loaders for Linux and Windows will be included (we’re removing the FreeBSD ones). For other platforms please download them from Ioncube’s site.

* Bugs fixed:
  • bug # 1: Paypal subscriptions weren’t working with prorating and not including the following payment
  • bug: When a customer signed up with an online credit card method and the Forward to gateway setting was set to No, the administrator wasn’t being notified of the new signup
  • bug: System halted when the symbol $ was used in the database password
  • bug: Wasn’t showing paypal subscriptions checkbox in signup when only paying for domain name registrations
  • bug: System halted when using PHP5 compiled with enable-soap
  • bug #187: Language entry missing(_BILLING_DOMSWITCHNOTREC)
  • bug #190: welcome e-mail was blank when resent
  • bug #213: When returning from a successfull paypal subscription transaction, wasn’t showing thank you page
  • bug: didn’t allow $ characters in database password
  • bug #209: next due not updating when using paypal subscriptions
  • bug: was showing error when trying to delete recurring fees not related to packages
  • bug: ‘View All clients’ link in the ‘viewing closed tickets’ table was redirecting to the overview table
  • bug: in the Generate Invoices popup the progress % was erroneous
  • bug: when a user was switched to paypal subscriptions, when he tried to pay an old invoice from before the switching, a subscription was generated for each one of those invoices
  • bug: when a user cancelled a paypal subscription for a package, the following invoices for that package weren’t being generated
  • bug: some reports graphs were not showing under IIS
  • bug: maxmind fraud report was shown twice in notification e-mails

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