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The first AJAX based site builder for hosting companies: Drag Drop Site Creator

Posted by pfoutran, 12-05-2005, 10:39 PM
SQLFusion announced the release today of the first online site building application ever built with "AJAX" technology. This online web site builder, called Drag Drop Site Creator, is available at < http://www.dragdropsitecreator.com >. It is intended primarily for web hosting companies, which offer Drag Drop Site Creator as an additional service to their hosting customers.

AJAX, which stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript And XML" has been highlighted recently in Gmail, Flickr, Zimbra and many "Web 2.0" applications, and is made evident by their outstanding speed and ease of use. Indeed, AJAX-based applications look almost as if they reside on the user's machine, rather than across the Internet on a separate server. Drag Drop Site Creator pushes this technology a step further by allowing users to build entire web sites within their web browsers. They do so with an intuitive point, click and drag mechanism for any web site elements, such as text, pictures, forms and even additional web applications. It is especially suitable for individuals and small to mid-sized businesses, which can build full featured web sites without technical expertise or personnel.

SQLFusion claims that with Drag Drop Site Creator, web hosting companies are now able to offer a powerful web-based application to their customers. Philippe Lewicki, SQLFusion's CEO, says that "Drag Drop Site Creator is probably the most breathtaking software a web host can provide to his customers today. Any web host can now offer a service which competes with what the largest web portals and service providers are offering. Actually, web hosts will be able to offer a technology which is ahead of what those web portals are currently offering. They give their customers a way to build custom, full-featured websites in a way that is truly intuitive and accessible to any non-technical user of any age, 7 to 77". Mr Lewicki adds, "Drag Drop site creator is also a fantastic tool to differentiate a web hosting offer in this tremendously competitive marketplace. It allows web hosts to manage hundreds of user accounts seamlessly and build custom plans matching each category of customers they target."

With dozens of web hosting companies currently offering Drag Drop Site Creator to their customers along with their standard hosting services, SQLFusion is already bringing extra value to web hosting services. After receiving the Editor's Choice award from Webhost magazine buyer's guide last July, SQLFusion intends to move ahead and build an even stronger network of web hosts, providing its technology to any business or individual that needs a web site.

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