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Eleven2 Gives 10% to the Red Cross

Posted by Eleven2 Hosting, 09-04-2005, 02:44 PM
Eleven2 Gives 10% to the Red Cross
September 4, 2005

Eleven2 Gives 10% of September’s Total Sales to the Red Cross

Houston, TX – Eleven2, a leader in the web hosting industry has realized the urgency and much needed attention to the people of the affected Gulf Coast region impacted by Hurricane Katrina. Eleven2 has announced it will give 10% of its total sales for September to the Red Cross to directly help those in need from this disaster.

“I have read the newspapers, watched it on TV and directly talked to those that have been moved here to the Houston area. We at Eleven2 have realized this catastrophic tragedy will not end anytime shortly and we here will do what we can to make as big as an impact as possible on those affected. We simply ask everyone to give what they can, and do what they can. As one, this county will rise again and New Orleans will be rebuilt bigger and better than ever.” said President and CEO, Rodney Giles.

Eleven2, started in May of 2003, and since its inception it has proven to be a leader in the shared and reseller hosting market over its course of time. Eleven2 is currently hosting over 10,000 domains from customers in over 100 countries worldwide.

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