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Staminus Announces Network and Facility Upgrade

Posted by toro, 12-15-2004, 12:29 PM
December 15, 2004 - Staminus Communications - a premier South California dedicated hosting facility announces the completion of the its migration from their old facility in Irvine to a new facility in the same city. They now have upgraded space for roughly 5000 servers, redundant UPS, generator, and air conditioning. Furthermore, their connection has also been substantially improved with new high speed fiber going directly into One Wilshire, South California's premier carrier neutral hotel.

With the added connectivity and point of presence at One Wilshire, they are now able to cross connect to any number of carriers available to them in that facility. They have currently contracted three bandwidth providers:

- Major global IP carrier with peering relationships all over the world. Above.net's sales pitch should to be their "one hop" network wherein you could reach any other network with at most one network hop.
- A new yet excellent carrier that is turning up private peering relationships on a daily basis. Mzima is a well noted provider of Gamehosting and VoIP traffic.
- This is network is a private bandwidth provider to several companies, including us. They do not publicly sell their traffic but Staminus managed to acquire a contract with them. Their network consists of a BGP mix of Level(3), XO, Global Crossing, and Savvis.

With their expanding customer base, they will acquire further connectivity as time passes to improve and optimize their network. Some of the providers and points of connectivity they are currently looking into are:

Equinix Los Angeles
Paix Los Angeles
Los Angeles Access Points (LAAP)

One of the most notable changes on their network is their newly developed Intelligent Routing System (Intellirouter) that routes based on a number of criteria, performs statistical analysis, and selects the most optimal route from their list of available connectivity to improve latency and throughput.

Please do not be hessitant to ask questions or make comments. You can reach Staminus Communications at 949-202-5305 or support@staminus.net.

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