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GeekCertified.com announces new certification system

Posted by danman, 09-08-2004, 04:59 PM
[For Immediate Release]

Geekcertified.com, a new quality assurance certification organization announced Friday that it has successfully implemented a new web-host certification system. The organization, which was launched in early 2004, is founded on the premise of “Trust, Honesty, Integrity.” Geek Certified staff have developed a unique system of assigning a certification based on a three-tier certification platform.

“Our organization is devoted to assuring web-hosting companies are upfront with their customers, and provide adequate customer support” said Danny Garon, founder of the organization. “We feel our cause has become increasingly important, in an age of a large amount hosting companies being founded daily, many which are run out of homes” added Garon.

The new certification system consists of levels 1, 2, and 3.

To obtain a level one certification, the most prestigious of the three, a web-host must have an average response time of less than 5 hours, knowledgeable staff, an automated support system, and have met other standards.

Level two certifications are assigned to applicants with an average response time of no greater than 10 hours, and who have met other standards listed on the Geek Certified website.

A level three certification, the lowest certification available, is assigned when a web-host has an average response time of no more than 24 hours, and has met other limited standards.

“I am very proud to spearhead the movement of a more secure web-hosting industry. By remaining completely independent and not accepting application fees, we allow ourselves to fairly evaluate all web-host applicants, big or small” concluded Garon.

Applications may be submitted by filling out a simple form on the Geek Certified website, located at http://www.geekcertified.com/apply.php. Upon submission, an applicant is usually either certified or denied within 2 weeks.

About GeekCertified.com
GeekCertified.com was founded in early 2004 to ensure a more secure hosting industry. Geek Certified accepts absolutely no influencing contributions from applicants, allowing it to be among the independent and effective quality assurance organizations in the world. With a motto of “Trust, Honesty, Integrity” Geek Certified equally evaluates all applicants – large or small.


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