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Versaweb Hosting Solutions Introdues New Reseller and Dedicated Hosting Plans

Posted by Rob T, 08-02-2004, 12:43 AM
For Immediate Release, August 2, 2004

Versaweb Hosting Solutions Introduces new Multi-Domain Reseller Hosting Plans and Managed Dedicated Servers

Versaweb Hosting Solutions, a division of R&D Technologies, LLC, announced today the release of its new Multi-Domain Reseller Hosting Plans as well as it new Managed Dedicated Server division.

Versaweb’s Multi-Domain Reseller Plans will be available in two platforms, utilizing both the highly popular Cpanel Control Panel as well as the DirectAdmin Control Panel, which features a sleek new skin design to go along with its simple, fast interface. By offering generous amounts of disk space and bandwidth at very competitive prices, Versaweb expects that the new plans should be a very popular choice for hosting resellers, web designers, and home users who would like to consolidate their hosting of multiple domains onto a single account. Both platforms will utilize top quality server hardware, including lightning fast dual processor servers with at least 2GB RAM and 10,000 RPM hard disks, and servers will be strategically placed in top-tier datacenters in several locations across the US. Additional features will include multi-language support and automated script installation for both platforms.

Versaweb’s Managed Dedicated Server division will also be rolling out several new products, with servers ranging from value-priced entry level servers up to screaming fast dual processor solutions. The initial plans will feature AMD Athlon XP, Athlon MP and Opteron Processors, with servers based on Intel Pentium 4 and Pentium 4 Xeon CPU’s to follow within the next few weeks. Many custom features will be available on all servers, including RAM and hard disk upgrades, hosting control panels (Cpanel and DirectAdmin), hardware-based RAID-1, and several different flavors of the Linux operating system. Versaweb will also offer servers featuring FreeBSD and Windows Server 2003 in the coming months. Custom server design for any application will also be available. All servers will include Versaweb’s Basic Server Management and Monitoring package at no additional charge, with upgraded support packages also available.

R&D Technolgies, LLC CEO Don Reed stated “Our new products should enable us to more effectively serve our target market clients – web hosting resellers, webmasters, and home users with multiple domains. We have designed our product range to offer a stepping-stone upgrade path for resellers that are just getting started in the business, or even those that are well established but looking for a new hosting partner. Our customers can go from being a small reseller to a large reseller to having their own fully managed dedicated server or even several dedicated servers without ever having to change which hosting company they do business with, which I believe makes us unique in the industry. Plus, in order to show our commitment to our hosting reseller partners, Versaweb does not compete in the shared hosting arena. Our resellers can always have peace of mind knowing that their provider will not compete and try to steal their customer base away from them.”

About R&D Technologies, LLC and Versaweb Hosting Solutions:

R&D Technologies, LLC, was founded in 2004 by several seasoned veterans of the Technology, IT, and Web Hosting Arenas, with a combined 25+ years of experience in those fields. The company is well positioned to become one of the leading providers of reseller hosting and managed dedicated servers in the US. With a keen focus on top-notch customer service and providing high quality hosting products at competitive prices, R&D Technologies, LLC continues to grow at a steady pace, quickly ascending the ranks in the hosting industry. For further information, please visit http://www.versaweb.net

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