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SonataWeb.Net Completes the purchase NBOXServers.Net

Posted by IGobyTerry, 06-17-2004, 06:27 PM
Hello NBOXServers.Net Clients,

This is an important note regarding your NBOXServers.Net account.

Allow me to introduce myself - I'm Terry Myers from SonataWeb.Net. SonataWeb.Net is a quality web site hosting company based out of Painesville, Ohio with servers in both Virginia and in Kansas. We have been doing web site hosting since September of 2003 and have grown by mass proportions in a short tenure of 8 months. With that it gives me great pleasure to announce that SonataWeb.Net has completed the purchase of NBOXServers.Net, a friendly rival of ours, after many months of negotiations with the owner of NBoxServers, Brody Murfin.

Brody has built NBoxServers into an excellent web hosting business focusing around giving his clients the best that they can get for the price. It's my personal opinion that he has more than accomplished this. We recognize this, and these factors will remain at the top of our priority list as we take over the running of NBOXServers.Net.

I understand that many of you may be feeling cautious and wary of new owners and management, but I hope that you will give us time and allow us to prove to you that we will serve with the same high quality of Web Hosting that NBoxServers has.

You should not notice any major changes with the take over, as NBoxServers is already highly successful from both a business and a customer prospective. We will be making some minor changes to improve and further develop NBoxservers. None of these changes will be immediate, and many are still at the evaluation stage. We welcome your feedback on these changes and the feedback that you give us will be a major factor in the decision.

One change that we're forced to implement is detailed below;

- NBoxServers currently uses the modernbill client billing interface. Unfortunately we have had limited experience with, however we do have our own client billing interface, WHMAutopilot. It offers many of the same features that ModernBill is known, just in a different design essentially.

Some other changes that you may notice to be different from NBOXServers.Net is our control panel. We still use the cPanel control panel like you use at NBoxServers, however we have added many things to it, as well as purchased several different templates for it. We have added Fantastico into cPanel. With Fantastico you can easily install over 35 scripts with just one click! We have also purchased the RVSkin pack. RVSkins are very nicely designed cPanel skins that were designed with the end-user in mind. The navigation is very easily laid out, and it's a breeze to browse and best of all, the skin is very friendly on the eyes. The RVSkin pack is also translated into 18 languages. No longer is there a worry of having to use a control panel that is only in English.

I understand that many of you may still be concerned over this change is ownership, and I will be more than happy to talk to any one of you about this. You can personally contact me at terry@sonataweb.net and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Terry Myers

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