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WebHostGear offers free server tutorials

Posted by Ramprage, 04-20-2004, 11:48 AM
WebHostGear.com, a server administration tutorial site, provides free tutorials and guides for the hosting industry. Started in November 2003 by Steven Leggett, WebHostGear is a web hosting and server administration resource site for the I.T. industry.

“The sites goal is to help administrators with their day to day jobs. It’s also a perfect place to learn about running your own server or to pickup a few tips.” says Leggett. “Whenever you’re looking for answers as the administrator, the only place to turn is to other administrators because no one else will know what you’re talking about.”

WebHostGear provides tutorials and guides for a variety of software and topics such as; Cpanel, Ensim, Linux, Windows Server, business articles and server security with step by step instructions on how to install and configure your server with currently over 80 articles in our database. The site also offers hosting interviews with such companies as HTTPme and Tripod Support Solutions.

About WebhostGear.com
WebHostGear was launched in November 2003 by Steven Leggett. It focuses on providing in depth reviews of existing and new hosting tools, tutorials, product news, security information for web professionals. The site also has a free news syndication service where webmasters can add the latest headlines to their websites for free.

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