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Announcing the closure of xioneNET

Posted by essexguy, 03-23-2004, 06:25 PM
Important News - 22/03/2004

We regret to announce the closure of xioneNET, in the past two months we have experienced disasters that we have not been able to recover from.

Six weeks ago one of our servers experienced a total hard drive failure which meant that our website and billing system was left down for a large period of time. Other clients affected were free hosting customers with sub domains of xione.net.

It seems that we are being targeted by someone, as over the past three weeks all our servers have come under attack. Many suspected hacking attempts as well as frequent Denial of Service attacks. Now due to this the functionality of many of our servers have been very poor as they were continually taken off line.

On Saturday we discovered that two servers had actually been compomised and data had been completely erased from the /home directories. Now one of the servers was mars which is our main customer server, the other server was zelda, which is of course the server we use to store client backups.

As a result we have lost 80% of our customers backups that were taken on a weekly basis. Please remember that in our Terms of Service it clearly stated that while xioneNET did ensure a weekly backup service, it is the clients sole responisbility for backing up their data.

Due to the minimal profit margins because of such a competitive market, we are unable to reopen our doors, plain and simple we just do not have the funds to cover operating and staff costs.

If you have paid in advance then please email admin@xione.net giving your username and payment method, and we will issue a refund for the months that you have yet to use. Customers that pay monthly have not been billed for the past two months, so no refunds are due.

For dedicated server customers, business will continue as normal and your service will not be affected.

If you have any questions or comments please email admin@xione.net.


xioneNET Team

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