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Server management control panel ISPmanager 4 Light is now in sale.

Posted by ISPserver, 03-23-2004, 03:51 AM
ISPsystem LLC, the owner of the trade mark ISPserver, is announcing the
beginning of the sale of server management control panel ISPmanager 4 Light

ISPmanager 4 Light has a wide range of functions containing everything
necessary for managing a server.

Let's consider its advantages:

Easy and friendly interface.
High speed of tasks processing.
Indiscriminateness to resources of a server.
Work through standard https port.
Hierarchical system of division of user rights.
Simplicity in customization and localizations.
Openness of API.
Automatic updates

At the moment there are completed versions of the panel which run under
FreeBSD 4.9 and 5.2. Editions for Red Hat Linux and Debian Linux will be
available shortly.

You can learn more about ISPmanager or purchase it at the website dedicated
to production by ISPserver. http://www.ispsystem.com

Try ISPmanager demo http://ispsystem.com/en/demo.html

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