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Inspedium announces InsPanel v1.0 - Hosting Automation Suite

Posted by zsindhu, 12-11-2003, 10:13 AM
Hello everyone,

Pleased to announce that we at Inspedium Corp. (Pvt) Ltd. shall be releasing InsPanel v1.0 (rc1) on the 15th of December 2003.

Below is the press release sent out today (December 11th, 2003):

11th December 2003

For Immediate Release

Inspedium Corp. Launches “InsPanel” – Web Hosting Automation Suite

The InsPanel is a web-based hosting control panel designed for hosting service providers. It enables web hosts to provide Windows based distributed services to their clients. The InsPanel supports both, Windows 2000 and Windows 2003.

December 11th, 2003 (Karachi, Pakistan) – Inspedium Corp. (Pvt) Ltd. announced today the launch of InsPanel version 1.0, its web-based hosting control panel application. The InsPanel allows hosting service providers to efficiently deploy competitive hosting solutions for the shared and dedicated hosting markets, alike.

“The hosting industry has evolved a lot in the past 5 years and we feel that there is still a lot to be done as far as automation for this industry is concerned.” said Zahid N. Sindhu, CEO Inspedium Corp. “I strongly feel that InsPanel addresses the needs of most of the HSPs and we at Inspedium are geared to meet and exceed client expectations.”

The InsPanel is a revolutionary application that empowers users ranging from data centers to hosting resellers, dramatically reducing their workload. This is achieved through the general user friendliness of the application, which allows end-users to perform ordinary day-to-day tasks with ease using an ordinary internet browser. A multi-level, web-based user interface and the ability to support distributed Mail, DNS and database servers is what sets the InsPanel apart from similar solutions currently available for the hosting industry.

The InsPanel features three levels of administration. The administrative level is used to control every aspect of server administration from an HSP’s viewpoint. The Reseller level access allows web-hosts to grow their market share by allowing scalable market solutions. Every end-user is also equipped with the tools necessary to administer their hosting accounts by performing tasks such as creation/deletion of e-mail accounts and database connections.

Licenses for the InsPanel are available at a very low price, making it extremely cost-effective, especially considering the fact that it comes with support for distributed Mail, DNS and Database servers at no extra cost.

Further information concerning the software and upcoming improvements is available at http://www.inspedium.com/software OR http://www.inspanel.com.

Company: Inspedium Corp. (Pvt) Ltd.
Address: 407, Light House Center, M. A. Jinnah Road, Karachi - 74200, Pakistan.
Website: http://www.inspedium.com
Contact: Zahid N. Sindhu, CEO – zsindhu at inspedium.com
Feature Details: http://www.inspedium.com/software/inspanel_features.php
Demo: http://demo.inspanel.com

Please feel free to visit our website or PM me with any questions you might have.

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