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vb-host.com , theforumhost.com and inlandhosting.net customers....

Posted by Fair Dinkum, 11-20-2003, 06:34 PM
If you have not seen the announcement on those web pages,
please be sure to have a current backup of your sites in order to move to a new host.

Per the announcement, inlandhosting.net is ceasing its webhosting business. I understand that they will now be focusing on IRC/Shell hosting.

Regardless of who you choose to continue hosting with, I urge you to ensure you have a current back-up of your data. We are currently waiting for a response from Mike to hopefully preserve the data for anybody that may not have received the notice about this situation.

NOTE: SB-Host is in no way affiliated with the past or current operations of those sites. We have an agreement to assume those domain names, but all arrangements for pre-paid accounts should go through mike@inlandhosting.net SB-Host is not assuming inlandhosting assets or debts.

This post is not about us gaining customers, but rather to encourage any current customers to get a back-up of your data ASAP, no matter who you choose as your future web host.

A word of advice to everybody here: A current, valid backup of your data is always a good idea.


Posted by Akash, 11-20-2003, 06:44 PM
Moved to announcements in the ad forums.

The post may not be an ad - but the content on the soon-to-be-yours-domains is

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