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cPanelBackup.com Launches!

Posted by cpanelbackup, 09-15-2003, 06:25 PM
cPanelBackup.com has launched! Check us out online at www.cpanelbackup.com

cPanelBackup.com offers simple backup solutions not to the hosting companies, but directly to the hosting client.
By offering backup solutions directly to clients of hosting companies, you can feel secure and confident that your site is backed up and stored at all times.

We currently offer Daily, Weekly, And monthly backups.
Pricing can be seen at http://www.cpanelbackup.com/services.html

All downloaded backups are stored on 200GB USB 2.0/Firewire 7200RPM external hard drives.

You can find more information about our company at www.cpanelbackup.com

Greg VanThong

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