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HostUS Increases Staff Members and Slight Price Increase

Posted by HostUS - Alexander, 04-11-2013, 09:02 AM
The people here at HostUS have some big news to share. We decided to increase the price of our services for new clients by 25%. This is not bad news, but great. Because, we're upgrading!

HostUS would also like to tell you that this price change does NOT affect your prices of services if you are an existing client. In fact, the prices of services will remain the same for you for life, even for new orders. That means, you are locked in to the price you registered to HostUS with.

HostUS also would like to announce that it will be renaming its hosting services for the sake of simplicity. The name change will not affect the quality or performance of your services in any way. The name changes are as follows:

Basic Shared - Shared1
Advanced Shared - Shared2
Ultimate Shared - Shared3
Basic Reseller - Reseller1
Advanced Reseler - Reseler2
Ultimate Reseler - Reseller3


HostUS has made continual efforts over the past year to improve quality and performance of the hosting services we provide. We have continually managed to make sure that our services remain online and running for all our customers alike. In this age where technology is advancing so quickly, it becomes difficult to keep up. We try our best to make sure we do this while keeping our prices affordable to all.

We have undergone lots of major improvements in terms of server technology over the past couple of months. And indeed, we're upgrading again, in lieu of us passing 100 customers a few days ago. We are also introducing new KVM VPSes at some of the most affordable prices on the market.

With the increase it technology, it also calls for more staff members. We announced a few days ago of two new staff members who would help you and serve you just as well as they should.

We will make sure that your stay at HostUS is as comfortable as ever. See more on our blog.

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