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WiredTree Levels Up VPS hosting and Hybrid Server Plans for Unparalleled Performance

Posted by WiredTree James, 04-02-2013, 02:49 PM
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) April 02, 2013

WiredTree (http://www.wiredtree.com), an experienced provider of managed virtual private servers (VPS hosting), dedicated servers, and hybrid servers, announced today significant upgrades across its entire range of services. With the introduction of SSD caching, the latest R1Soft backups, and Parallels platform optimization, WiredTree customers will see page loading times decrease by as much as 75%.

“Every year, we upgrade our VPS hosting and hybrid server clients to the latest technology,” says Zac Cogswell, President of WiredTree. “Our annual Level Up guarantees our customers can take advantage of the most recent developments in the web hosting industry as they become available. Often, this means adding RAM and disk space across our hardware, but this year, we are not adding RAM or disk space to our plans. Instead, we have done what many considered impossible – made huge performance boosts to disk I/O for hosting services that are faster than ever before.”

Disk Input/Output (disk I/O) refers to the rate at which data can be read and written from a hardware storage device. Every file that makes up a website, including static pages, web applications, and databases, must be pulled from the storage device every time a visitor requests it. In addition, some data is stored in a cache, a temporary place for data that does not need to be stored long-term. As part of this comprehensive Level Up, WiredTree is increasing the disk I/O rate through intelligent use of caching via the latest hardware technology. Instead of using conventional Hard Disk Drives (HDDs), WiredTree customers will receive at least a 120 GB of SSD (Solid State Drive) Caching space, using Intel 520-series SSDs. With no moving parts, this flash memory results in an immediate increase in page loading speeds and application processing. Tests conducted by WiredTree indicate a 36% decrease in page loading times on average, in addition to decreased demand on hardware and, as a result, more reliable hosting services.

“Our tests have shown the incredible impact of SSD Caching alone,” says Cogswell. “Uniquely, our tests were conducted on live servers using live client websites, not synthetic benchmarks. When we talk about cutting page loading times in half, we can be confident our customers will see the same results. We have also been working on other ways to decrease I/O load to improve overall performance, including upgrades to our R1Soft backups and kernel-level improvements to our virtualization platform.”

Although a great deal of disk I/O activity comes from users, other processes can create even more demand for I/O operations. At WiredTree, the team saw that the backups built into Parallels Virtuozzo lacked I/O efficiency, increasing the requests for disk I/O operations and increasing loading times. To help eliminate this issue, WiredTree now offers the new and improved R1Soft V5 for all VPS hosting backups. R1Soft V5 allows customers to protect their data continuously, while maintaining the best possible server performance. Additionally, WiredTree has worked directly with Parallels, the creators of Virtuozzo, WiredTree’s chosen virtualization platform, to make performance improvements. Over a period of almost two years, kernel engineers from Parallels helped WiredTree to achieve the fastest, most efficient implementation for its clients.

“Across SSD caching, R1Soft backups, and our discussions with Parallels, we have spent almost two years and over $100,000 to make these upgrades possible,” says Cogswell. “This is unheard of in the industry, and takes overall system performance to levels the competition cannot match. We have always supported the latest web technologies in the quest for ultimate site performance. We are the first to go out, test new technology, and bring it back to our clients. We push for performance and reliability in everything we do, and this, our biggest Level Up ever, will give every customer the performance they deserve.”

As a VPS hosting and hybrid server provider at the forefront of technology, WiredTree gives customers the highest standards in performance. Now, after this unrivaled investment in upgrades and improvements, WiredTree customers will see a tangible decrease in page loading times and ultra-fast performance across every part of their hosting plan.

WiredTree is currently starting upgrades on VPS hosting services, with hybrid server hosting to follow. All upgrades will be completed by mid-April 2013.

Customers interested in learning more about the latest upgrades or managed hosting services from WiredTree are encouraged to visit http://www.wiredtree.com.

About WiredTree
Formed in June 2006 to set a new standard for managed hosting services, WiredTree provides a superior managed hosting environment through customer service, innovative network design, a unique suite of services, and the latest technological advances in server hardware. WiredTree’s network leverages two logically separated networks: a public Internet network and a private internal network. This modern “network-within-a-network” design allows WiredTree to securely provide a wide range of value-added services for businesses of all sizes.
For more information about WiredTree, visit http://www.wiredtree.com

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