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TurnKey Internet celebrates Earth Day and their commitment to green technology!

Posted by turnkeyinternet, 04-01-2013, 04:24 PM
TurnKey Internet celebrates Earth Day and their commitment to green, sustainable technology throughout the entire month of April.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - April 1, 2013 - Latham, NY - Today, sustainable IT solutions provider TurnKey Internet, announced a month-long celebration of their green initiatives in recognition of Earth Day. TurnKey Internet’s year-old green data center utilizes state-of-the-art technology and 100% renewable energy to provide the greenest-possible cloud-based IT services for clients all over the world. In anticipation of Earth Day, April 22nd, TurnKey Internet plans to amplify awareness for their low-energy, low-impact IT solutions all month long.

TurnKey Internet will run an Earth Day awareness campaign for the entirety of April, to honor their commitment to the environment. Their 12,000-square-foot facility offers revolutionary green IT solutions, such as employing low-voltage servers stored in ultra-efficient cold containment pods in each section of their data center. These pods deliver precision spot-cooling to temperature-regulated server racks, which use thirty-three percent less energy than traditional data centers.

TurnKey Internet is a proud Energy Star Partner, and runs their facility with 100% renewable hydro and solar power. Their state-of the art data center is equipped with on-site, roof-top solar panels, and they have also recently added the hydro-electric component to their list of alternative green-energy solutions. The company uses hydro-power from Niagara Falls to further supplement their renewable energy initiatives as beneficiaries of Gov. Cuomo’s “Recharge New York” power program.

“The future of both the Cloud Industry and the IT world in general revolve around energy—generating it from renewable resources and consuming it efficiently,” said Adam Wills, CEO of TurnKey Internet. He continued to say, “TurnKey’s green data center was launched just last year with sustainability in mind, and our commitment only evolves as the world-wide demand for energy consumption continues to multiply.”

While maintaining their high-level energy-efficient data center, TurnKey Internet looks forward to Earth Day and to a month-long opportunity to emphasize that all it takes to merge technology and the environment is a little bit of corporate responsibility. There will be a strong focus on the environment and sustainability on their social sites and their corporate blog, as well as with their online community in general.

About TurnKey Internet:
Founded in 1999, TurnKey Internet, Inc. is a full-service green data center and leading provider of sustainable web hosting and IT solutions. From its facility in Latham, NY—New York's Tech Valley Region—TurnKey offers web hosting, communication services, web-based IT systems, software as a service (SaaS), enterprise colocation services, and computing as a service to clients in more than 150 countries. For more information, please call (518) 618-0999 or visit www.turnkeyinternet.net/media.

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