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VPS based on CloudStack 4.0 by Joe's

Posted by capecod, 02-14-2013, 02:15 AM
Joe's Cloud Computing annouces a new version of VPS (virtual private server) services: KVM (kernel-based virtual machine) working on CloudStack 4.0.


Roughly speaking, there are two kinds of virtualization for VPS: full virtualization and container. Container has been used in such as Virtuozzo (including Open VZ), Linux Container, and very efficient because the same kernel is used by the containers in the same host. On the other hand, full virtualization imitates X86 once, and OS runs on the virtualized server, so any OS (distribution) can be used and each VM can be controlled easily as if you were in the data center.

For CloudStack, not just the VM but also the virtual router of the LAN containing the VM. So, firewall, load balancer, VPN can be used. In particular, for CS 4.0, the graphical interface has been much improved.

The KVM VPS is only $7.5 a month, and 14 days free trial is applied. Feel free to visit us.

Joe's Cloud Computing.

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