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Host Color Europe Upgrades Network: 11 ms - Istanbul, Turkey. 12 ms - Athens, Greece

Posted by HostColor, 11-05-2012, 07:30 AM
November 2, 2012 - SB, Indiana - Host Color Europe (HCE), a company of Host Color LLC (hostcolor.com) announced a very important upgrade to its Internet network. HCE has added a direct connectivity to Istanbul, Turkey and the whole Turkish Internet market.

The new upstream shortens the average round trip delay for the Turkish Internet users who access websites and server hosted in HCE network to only 11 ms (milliseconds). Now HCE customers take advantage of a very short round-trip delay to Istanbul, a city of 14 million residents.

"We are happy to offer our Dedicated server and Colocation customers the shortest possible Internet route to Turkey, a fast growing economy and country with 73 million population. Now Host Color Europe drives business to anyone who is looking forward to serving customers in a country with huge young, well educated population like Turkey", says Host Color's VP or Operations Martin Andreev.

The Host Color's core European infrastructure is hosted in a state-of-the-art, Tier 4 facility based out of Sofia, Bulgaria. The company has also equipment in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Gateway between Europe and Middle East

In Sofia, Bulgaria Host Color Europe (HCE) operates fully-redundant, 100% uptime SLA guarantee network that (through direct uplinks or partner's upstreams) features connectivity to:
  • Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX), DE-CIX
  • Frankfurt Internet Exchange
  • B-IX (Balkan Internet Exchange)
  • PLIX (Polish Internet Exchange)
  • SOX (Serbian Internet Exchange)
  • Bix.bg (Bulgarian Internet Exchange)
  • RONIX (Romanian Internet Exchange) + 2 more .RO peering points
  • Cogent
  • Spnet
  • Fortnet.gr (through Internet Exchange)
  • Turk Telekom (through partner ISP)
  • Turkcell / Super Online (through Internet Exchange)
  • Other regional ISPs and carriers

The HCE network provides customers with excellent possible connectivity to the whole Europe:
  • London - 46 ms
  • Amsterdam - 50 ms
  • Frankfurt - 43 ms
  • Munich - 48 ms
  • Paris - 73 ms
  • Madrid - 77 ms
  • Lisbon - 72 ms
  • Copenhagen - 36 ms
  • Athens - 12 ms
  • Bucharest - 12.5 ms
  • Istanbul - 11 ms
In order to help customers to serve any specific local markets Host Color Europe creates, optimized Internet routes to various points of Europe and Middle East.

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