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dediserve.com Announce New Partner Programme - Exclusive to Hosting providers

Posted by dediserve, 11-25-2013, 05:44 AM
New dediserve Partner Program
November 25

We are delighted to launch our new partner program. We provide a program of partnership with the dediserve cloud, enabling you to deliver enterprise, SSD powered cloud infrastructure to your users from multiple geographic locations, without capital outlay or risk, while enjoying significant discounts.

Some Features included with the partner program include the following:
  • Rapid Time to market – be up and running in 15 minutes
  • Highly available enterprise platform, meshing high performance with stability and uptime
  • 24/7/365 comprehensive Priority support, advice and assistance
  • Full automation – free modules for Hostbill, WHMCS and a comprehensive API
  • Choose from 6 global locations, with an extensive road map for more
  • Non US, non DMCA, non Patriot Act, non PRISM. We value and protect your privacy and the security of your data
  • Discounts from dediserve list pricing averaging 30% with additional breaks for volume and loyalty

What are the qualification criteria for the dediserve partner programme?

The dediserve partner program is designed specifically for hosting providers and those offering hosting services to their clients. We require that you are actively offering hosting to your clients via your website, or are already delivering hosting services and have a capacity to reach moderate volume within a reasonable timeframe. Most partners are small to medium sized hosts, OnApp cloud clients, and large development and design firms that offer hosting services with their own solutions.

For more details see http://www.dediserve.com/partner

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