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RamNode Launches New OpenVZ SSD-Cached VPSs, KVM SSD VPSs Coming Soon

Posted by Nick A, 08-31-2012, 03:09 PM
Atlanta, GA - August 27, 2012 - RamNode LLC is proud to announce the launching of our new OpenVZ SSD-cached VPS line. This product will serve clients who want similar performance to our highly praised OpenVZ SSD VPSs, but who need more space.

As part of our constant drive to improve our offerings and meet the needs of both current and future clients, RamNode also plans to launch our new KVM VPS line (both SSD and SSD-cached) within the coming week.

More information on our new products may be found on our website: www.RamNode.com.

About Us
RamNode LLC exists for one purpose: to provide affordable VPSs with powerful features. We know that our best assets are our loyal customers, so we strive to provide hosting they will rave about to their fellow internet users.

Sales questions may be sent to sales[at]ramnode.com
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