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IOFlood launches web hosting blog

Posted by funkywizard, 08-11-2012, 06:04 PM
Hi Everyone,

As many of you know, I tend to post helpful web hosting related information in replies to people's questions here on web hosting talk. In order to have a more permanent location for some of these frequently discussed items, as well as be able to go into a little more depth than I normally do here, ioflood.com has launched it's own company blog at http://blog.ioflood.com.

We're looking forward to posting information relating to how we do business at IOFlood, why we make the decisions we make, as well as helpful information on how to get the most out of your servers, saving you time and frustration by answering common questions. We welcome your feedback, as we currently have a handful of posts ready for your viewing pleasure.

As a side note, I have to give many thanks to http://www.blogic.com, which allowed us to easily and painlessly create a wordpress template that mirrored the look of the rest of our website. In less time than it took my to write this forum post, I had a working wordpress theme in the same style as our current website. Without blogic.com, this project would have been delayed much longer than it already has been.


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