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Secure login area for customers of Giga-International

Posted by Contabo, 07-16-2012, 04:39 AM
Giga-International launches customer login area

Over the last months Giga-International (http://www.giga-international.com/) has been working hard to implement a feature many of their customers have requested: a login area (https://my.giga-international.com/account/login) that allows all customers to manage all their services at Giga-International. By today, the introduction of the new system has been completed successfully and all customers have received their login credentials.

This system will make it possible for every customer to
- view all their services,
- perform hard reboots,
- perform reinstalls or boot a rescue system,
- update all their contact details,
- view their payment history as well as previous invoices and to
- send new PayPal and Moneybookers transfers in a comfortable way.

Anything one can do in the customer login is free.

“The new login area means an enormous simplification and speeding-up for any action the customer wants to perform”, Michael Herpich, executive at Giga-International, adds. “From now on customers are able to react even more quickly to every incident – this is a big advantage for them as well as for our support team.”

Michael Herpich: “Although the login area provides everything in an easier, more transparent and clear way, our customers should not hesitate to contact our support team if they need further help regarding any issues. Our support team is still available for them every day.”

About Giga-International:
Giga-International has specialized in providing individual and low cost datacenter solutions. Their portfolio incorporates Webspace, Dedicated Servers , Colocation, Virtual Servers, Clustered Systems, Domains and the provision of individual hardware. Thanks to their own datacenter in Munich, which is redundantly air conditioned and perfectly linked to Internet and electrical power suppliers, Giga-International is not only able to provide competent instant service but also care for individual requirements someone may have. The office is occupied 365 days a year including holidays and weekends.

Media contact:
Giga-Hosting GmbH
Katharina Pieringer
Aschauer Straße 32a
81549 München
+49 (0) 89 212 683 72

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