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HTB Monitoring Script from Host The Best Emerges as 'The Best Web Tool 2012’!

Posted by htb, 06-27-2012, 01:15 PM
New York City - 27/06/2012 – Host The Best Monitoring Script, a Host the Best software, is a server up time and website monitoring service that works like pingdom.com, hyperspin.com and Alertra.com. The software is available at Host the Best at a very low start up price. With the software, you will be able to run your own site monitoring service and to offer paid and free membership service. The software will monitor your members' sites as well as POP3, FTP protocols, SolusVM VPS and all custom ports around the clock.

Recently Host The Best Monitoring Script was named the ‘Best Web Tools 2012’ by Web Hosting Search. Web Hosting Search is a trusted resource of various web hosting needs.

Zoe Davis from Web Hosting Search broke the exciting news “I'm glad to inform you that Host The Best Software is chosen as one of the “Best Web Tools 2012”. This recognition entitles Host The Best Software a space in our web tools listing and a recognition from us for being of The "Best Web Tools".”

Host The Best Director, Andy Candelario was elated at the news. “We plan to make Host The Best the best hosting software provider in the market,” he enthusiastically said.

HTB Monitoring Script has several notable features. Notable admin functions include user management, automated registration and manual admin approved registration, manual account type upgrading, template management, payment email and admin email setup, and tax rate addition. Others are SMS alert message template and SMS gateway setting configuration, custom membership packages addition, user suspension from the admin area, addition of user management options, and mass email to users.

The software has many member functions among them SMS and email alerts, text search, retest error, and monitoring support for different protocols. Security features include password encryption and notification of failed admin log-in attempts. Other notable features are support for 4 of the major SMS gateways, acceptance of the major payment gateways, multi-language support, and free WinApp system tray add-on. All these features make the software the best Web tool for 2012.

Members can sign up if they so wish. When they do, they are notified by email whenever there is a downtime. The software comes with an integrated payment system so that members can update their accounts.

About Host the Best

Host The Best is a well-established software company, having been established in 2004. We offer software solutions from our New York City, New York base and we give you the opportunity to resell them. Our solutions allow you to fully control your clients and you even get to decide what to charge them. We will do all the work and even provide the necessary reports. Some of our notable products are WHMCS Module, HTB Site Monitor, HTB Monitoring script, HTB Remote Backup, and HTB Online Storage. We are also offering SEO Service, SSL Certificates, WHMCS integration, goMobi services, and SiteLock website security. You can reach us at http://www.hostthebest.com


Host The Best
Phone: Office 1- 646-853-2140
VoIP: 482-4099
Website: http://www.hostthebest.com

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