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Noction is adding complete IPv6 support into Intelligent Routing Platform (IRP)

Posted by graileanu, 06-04-2012, 01:18 PM
Noction, a provider of cutting-edge network performance technology, released version 1.4 of its Intelligent Routing Platform (IRP), featuring full IP version 6 protocol support. Network providers are increasingly moving to fully support IPv6 in their network deployments, driven by the complete IPv4 unallocated address space depletion in 2011.

Noction IRP is designed to improve network performance, reduce network operational costs, and provide advanced business analytics. The platform operates at the network edge and does non-intrusive traffic analysis. The network routes are probed for a set of specific performance and cost metrics through all the available providers. IRP then applies the policies, defined by the enterprise, as per business objectives and service demands. IRP enhances network performance by an average of 10-40% and reduces latency by approximately 40%.

Offering operators different options, Noction's IPv6-enabled IRP implements both IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack. This give content providers the flexibility to either run IPv6 only, or IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously on the IRP. In each case, Noction helps facilitate a gradual rollout of IPv6 service within the network.

Among other features, Notion IRP 1.4 includes:
· Complete IPv6 support;
· New Outage Detection algorithms;
· Multiple BGPd improvements - prefix split, AS-PATH recovery;

About IPv6
IPv6 is the new core protocol for transporting data over the Internet. The IPv6 protocol replaces the current protocol, IPv4. IPv6 provides almost limitless addresses by moving from 32-bits of address space (approximately 4 * 10^9 addresses) to 128-bits of address space (approximately 3.4 * 10^38 addresses). In addition, IPv6 adds additional security and network configuration features.

About Noction
Noction is a privately funded technology company with offices in North America and Europe. Founded in 2010, Noction is a fast-growing company providing network intelligence technologies, enabling enterprises to take full advantage of the maximum network performance for business-critical applications such as e-commerce, VoIP, and media streaming across IP networks.
For more information please visit http://www.noction.com or call +1 650 618 9823.

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