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Host Media UK Official Sponsor of CFHour Podcast

Posted by AeonCube, 01-07-2012, 08:47 AM
We are delighted to inform you that Host Media UK is now the official sponsor of CFHour Podcast, one of the most popular ColdFusion / Tech talk podcasts around.

Listen to their latest show at: http://www.cfhour.com/post.cfm/show-...and-validation

You can also visit our CFHour page to get the latest at: http://www.hostmediauk.com/cfhour/

About the show
The CFHour podcast is primarily focused on ColdFusion. While they do discuss other technologies, ColdFusion is their primary focus. They will give you insight and hopefully useful information on ColdFusion, internet technologies and anything else they deem relevant.

Visit http://www.cfhour.com/ to learn more...

The Presenters
Dave Ferguson
Twitter: http://twitter.com/dfgrumpy
Blog: blog.dkferguson.com

Scott Stroz
Twitter: http://twitter.com/boyzoid
Blog: http://www.boyzoid.com/blog/index.cfm

The Producer
Matt Gifford
Twitter: http://twitter.com/coldfumonkeh
Blog: http://www.mattgifford.co.uk/

We look forward to supporting CFHour, and make sure to check out their about us page to get full details about CFHour.

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