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GigaTux acquires Surmounted.NET

Posted by MannDude, 10-12-2011, 04:22 AM
As the title may suggest, Surmounted.NET was purchased by GigaTux. Information is provided below.

Dear Surmounted.NET Client,

Today we are pleased to announce the expansion of our company via our acquisition by GigaTux. Surmounted.NET was founded on the simple notion of putting the needs of our clients before our own personal interests. We grew our company by listening to our clients, working closely with them to form solutions to their unique needs, and ended up developing strong business relationships and friendships with many of you. Our service plans were molded around the suggestions submitted to us based upon the needs of our customers and in an effort to continually provide you the best service possible we have been acquired by GigaTux (http://gigatux.com/) who will allow your service and web presence to be taken to the next level.

What does this mean for you, the Surmounted.NET customer? Simply put, you'll gain access to a better network and service being offered by a company that has an established presence in San Jose, California; London, UK; Frankfurt, DE; and Israel. With a larger support team and larger infrastructure/presence, it is our belief that GigaTux will provide you the excellent service you've come to expect from Surmounted.NET without increasing your cost or negatively impacting the performance of your current service.

What about your service plans, your current pricing, etc? No need to worry! There will be no changes in the specs or pricing of your current service plans. If you paid for a year of service three months ago, you still have 9 months left of service. All data will be transferred from Surmounted.NET's Dallas, TX based servers to GigaTux's San Jose, California servers with minimal or no interruption of your service at a time that will soon be announced. Our VPS clients will enjoy GigaTux's powerful Xen based VPS nodes boasting Intel Xeon processors, fast RAID10 storage and offering familiar performance with an added bonus: IpV6 compatibility! In the event a plan is offered by GigaTux that is more favorable to you in terms of pricing or specs, please contact sales@gigatux.com to see what can be done.

The important thing to remember is that Surmounted.NET will remain Surmounted.NET, however the brand will now be owned and operated by GigaTux. You may see a few changes around the site that reflect the offerings of the GigaTux brand and you will interact with new support staff however we believe you will enjoy the changes and upgrades provided by them.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please submit a ticket to GigaTux directly by emailing support@gigatux.com and you'll be taken care of promptly.

For the quickest notification of updates throughout this process please see our Twitter feed at http://www.twitter.com/SurmountedNET

As always, we wish you the best of luck with your websites and online businesses and sincerely hope that your online presence continues to grow and that your online ventures prove to be successful.



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