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Posted by nixcom, 09-11-2011, 03:56 PM
This is a sad day for Nix Communications. We are planning to close our business for some different reasons:

First of all, everybody knows that I was working hard on my own to offer the best price and service I can offer on the market. When health problems come, we have to make the good choice. I’m choosing to take a break of all that. I need to stay focus on myself and be sure to be in shape to have a great living life.

Now the main problem resulting to that decision:

When I was thinking about that decision, I’ve looked at myself and said: “I cannot to that. I can’t let down all my customers and the reputation I’ve made under the name of Nixcom”. At this point, I was ready to give it a try whatever the doctor, friends and so ever said. Then comes a big surprise. Tried to login to the billing system to check all tickets waiting, but nothing seems to work. It seems something happened to the data. No problem, I got a backup! Looking to take the last day backup but on the offsite server where it was located, there was no data on it at all! I decided to check all logs, and it seems that someone has been able to access both server and have some fun. At the moment, I do not have any data on my customers. What’s paid? What’s unpaid? What remaining time a customer has to be refund? Nothing but dust.

I got no choice to close down that business, and I am really sorry to announce it like this. I always been honest with everyone and that’s why I’m posting that text on my website.

All servers are still up and running. Everyone is able to access their vps servers at the moment. I would like to suggest to everyone to make a full backup of their data. All our nodes will be up until the end of the month to let the time for all customers to keep their important data and then move on.

I know that we have a lot of customer that was looking for a good and stable service in Montreal, QC, Canada, so I would like to suggest them to look at:


I have been with them for several years and always had a good service.

For those in Chicago, Scranton and Kansas City, a quick look at WHT forum and you’ll find what you are looking for.

I would like to thank you all for your confidence in our service. A special thanks to Alexandre @ Colo-Serv.net that has always been there for me and help me out for any issues I got.

It’s been a pleasure to deal with all of you. Good luck to everyone...

Kind Regards,

Martin Latendresse
Nix Communications

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