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Cartika Comes Home! Cartika Inc Launches cartika.ca—A Canadian Company Opens its Firs

Posted by cartika-andrew, 08-28-2011, 12:08 PM
Cartika recently launched its newest facility based in Toronto, Canada. Cartika.ca offers a suite of hosting solutions based 100% on Canadian soil, complimenting the existing cartika.com United States facilities in Dallas, Texas.

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB) August 28, 2011

Clustered Linux and Windows Hosting Solutions, Multi Platform and Multi Country Reseller Hosting Solutions, a 100% Canadian Based Public/Private Cloud to compliment the existing Public/Private Cloud solutions in the United States. Additional offerings launched in the new Toronto facility to match the offerings in the United States facilities include extensive Managed and Utility based Virtualization solutions, Dedicated solutions and full clustering capabilities across a diverse set of infrastructure. Cartika offers complete management services, predictive failure analysis, Citrix Xenserver Technology, NetApp and ZFS based Cloud Storage Systems, Citrix Netscaler Load Balancing Technology, CDP backup and recovery solutions and CloudLinux Operating System deployments.


Cartika.ca features a Tier4 Toronto based data centre, completely redundant at every level and SAS70 Type II certified. Cartika offers its complete suite of offerings from this facility including clustered Linux and Windows hosting solutions, Managed and Self Managed VPS servers, Managed and Self Managed Public Clouds as well as Managed and Self Managed Private Cloud solutions. Completely redundant and self healing infrastructure with 100% network uptime SLA's. Customers requiring data to be hosted explicitly in Canada, or customers who have a requirement to host data in both the US and Canada need look no further then Cartika's multi platform multi country solutions. Data can be replicated between data centres for absolute redundancy and disaster planning and disaster recovery solutions.

Complete PCI DSS, HIPAA and SOX certified hosting solutions are enabled in both the Toronto, Canada and Dallas, Texas facilities.

Andrew Rouchotas, Cartika's CEO describes the impact and the benefit of the new facility being opened in Toronto.

"Our new Toronto facility allows customers to choose which country their data is located and served in. It also allows our partners and resellers to centrally manage a fleet of servers and services across both the United States and Canada and allows them to service both markets natively with a wide array of comprehensive services. Our resellers, in a white label capacity, are able to sell Clustered Linux and Windows hosting solutions, VPS servers, Cloud servers, Dedicated servers and even complex clusters - right from a central interface - and allocate these services in the United States or Canada. Simply the most advanced reseller hosting program available anywhere."

Founded in Toronto in May 2000, Cartika Inc has established itself as a leader in Application Hosting and hosting technologies. Advanced web hosting facilities and technologies, combined with intricate knowledge in several best of breed Open Source and Commercial Applications, Cartika web enables your business.

For more information on the new Cartika.ca facility and offerings, please visit http://www.cartika.ca andhttp://www.cartika.com

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