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InstantCDN.Asia teaming with WPWebhost as official CDN provider

Posted by instantIT, 12-02-2010, 10:07 PM
ASIA, November 25, 2010 − InstantCDN.Asia. the latest brainchild of Exabytes Network Pvt. Ltd. with 9 years of experience in the hosting industry has recently teamed up with WPWebHost, the hosting provider specialized in Wordpress hosting to enable its customers to run WordPress powered websites with CDN to significantly speed up website loading speed and at the same time reducing the load of the server.

“The WordPress community has grown to be a huge community over the years. While some still experience slow website loading speed when having overseas site visitors, With the integration of content delivery network into their Wordpress blog from InstantCDN can definitely help to improve the loading speed issue tremendously as well as improving the ranking of the result from search engine.” said CEO cum founder of InstantCDN.Asia, Mr. Chan Kee Siak.

A Content Delivery Network or Content Distribution Network (CDN) is a system of servers containing copies of data, placed at various points in a network so as to maximize bandwidth for access to the data from clients throughout the network. Main benefits of CDN include improving website loading speed/performance, increase online sales and visitors as well as saving time and money. In addition, InstantCDN does not require its users to have any additional infrastructure or software installation.

By hosting your static contents on CDN network, you don’t have to immediately upgrade to a Dedicated Server or add costly bandwidth when your website traffic grows. You don’t even have to buy expensive hardware, costly software or pay large upfront payment and setup fees. By adding InstantCDN to your website, you can easily increase your website capabilities and handle much more amount of traffic.

“We bridge the gap between West and East, South America and Asia, Europe and Asia, etc. No matter where you are, if you are doing business outside of Asia, we assure you that you can greatly benefit from InstantCDN.Asia!” CEO Mr. Chan Kee Siak was quoted as saying.

For more information, users can visit on http://instantCDN.Asia or email the sales[at]instantIT.asia for the best offer the InstantCDN can provide.

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