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iWeb’s Canadian Cloud First to Eliminate the Traditional Cloud Compromise

Posted by fbc, 10-23-2013, 10:38 AM
With the launch of its new iWeb Cloud Servers, Canadian infrastructure as a service (IaaS) leader iWeb has become the first in the industry to offer scalable pay-per-use cloud servers with proven, guaranteed performance stability, QoS and the rapid innovation of OpenStack cloud computing.

Businesses, developers and service providers who depend on the flexibility of cloud hosting can now enjoy it without the ‘noisy neighbor’ effect that has traditionally been a symptom of public cloud infrastructures. Two months’ beta testing has proven iWeb Cloud Servers to provide consistent performance, regardless of workload spikes, and without any impact from other tenants. It’s an achievement that’s as much down to iWeb’s vision of ending the ‘cloud compromise’ as it is to the iWeb Cloud’s advanced technologies, as iWeb’s Chief Technology Officer Cyrille Mertes explains:

“For all the technological superiority of the iWeb Cloud, it’s actually understanding what people want from cloud hosting that has made this service different right from the get go”, explains Cyrille. “We looked around the market and asked ourselves, what do customers dream of getting from cloud services? The answer was even more of the flexibility and efficiency that makes cloud hosting great, without the compromise of unpredictable performance and local storage restrictions”.

iWeb’s vision was realised thanks to cloud engineering that combines OpenStack – open source cloud computing software innovated by over 12,000 developers – and SolidFire all SSD centralized storage that provides guaranteed QoS and burstable disk speeds for linear, predictable server performance as workloads change. The picture is completed by iWeb’s Canada-based 24/7 support and its Control Center interface, where servers can be deployed and deleted instantly, and where CPU/RAM and storage can be scaled independently of one another – another of the iWeb Cloud’s ‘dream’ features.

“The last five years have seen amazing advancements in Cloud computing” noted iWeb President Christian Primeau, explaining what makes iWeb Cloud Servers stand out from the crowd. “Cloud hosting offers flexibility and efficiency, but people also need to have confidence in their hosting partner. Until now you had to chose one or the other, but with the iWeb Cloud that’s not the case. If you want scalable pay-per-use servers, you can have it, and then some. iWeb Cloud Servers have independently scalable resources and all SSD storage that’s twice as fast as other clouds, and they also offer rock-solid performance consistency that’s clearly there to see in your user experience”.

“We think that’s real value, and a really important evolution for cloud hosting. We’re proud to have built the most reliable and advanced cloud in our industry, and we’re proud to have done it here at iWeb, concludes Mr. Primeau.

About iWeb (http://iweb.com)
iWeb provides the on-demand server and cloud infrastructure that allows over 25,000 customers in more than 200 countries worldwide to deliver today’s Internet-based technologies and to create tomorrow’s online innovations. Since 1996, Montreal-based iWeb has been rated among the world’s top web infrastructure providers based on performance and reliability and among Canada’s fastest growing companies.

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