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urgentVPS :: We’re better...

Posted by Ekin, 09-06-2010, 08:24 PM
An open letter to urgentVPS customers past and present...

urgentVPS. We’re better.

As many of you will know, we’ve recently experienced some huge difficulties that have been proved detrimental to the service that we deliver to our customers.

Firstly, and most importantly of all, I would like to personally apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused.

After years of providing fast, reliable VPS hosting we recently began to experience frequent and unexplained bouts of downtime. After several weeks of working to resolve a variety of datacenter issues, (which continued to grow) urgentVPS saw unacceptable risk with the situation. This is when we made the decision to protect urgentVPS clients and part company with our previous datacenter - whom we now believe to be responsible for the recent downtime issues.

As soon as a decision was made to move, our team in Germany were tasked with moving all of the servers to our new datacenter. We also sent a team from the UK, over to Germany in order to achieve this as swiftly as possible. At urgentVPS, we own all of our servers and our priority was simply to move servers out of the old datacenter and into the new one with the absolute minimum of downtime.

We’ve always upheld a reputation for fast, reliable hosting backed by speedy, helpful support since opening in 2009. Unfortunately we simply weren’t prepared for the challenge that faced us. Focused on resolving uptime problems, our support provision reduced. It was this that resulted in an unacceptable shortfall in support services and we again, apologise profusely since these conditions have not allowed us to live up to expectations that we, as a team, set for the company.

But we’ve worked hard to improve. And now we’re back, better than ever. Here’s why:

We’ve moved to a bigger, better facility with improved connectivity and a greater worldwide presence. The urgentVPS team closely examined the options and following stringent reference checks and careful consideration we made the decision to move our servers to a facility operated by velia.net, a German ISP which has been in operation since 1999. You can find out more about velia.net here.

As a result of increased network connectivity offered in our new datacenter, urgentVPS is now able to offer more bandwidth than ever. With immediate effect we have doubled traffic allowances on ALL of our VPS packages for both new and existing clients and we’ll continue to undersell all of our VPS nodes. urgentVPS are going to give you more for your money.

We’ve also increased our support provision. Over the past few weeks urgentVPS has hired and trained new staff to deal with all of your VPS support, management and billing enquiries - balancing our urgent need for new talent with our ongoing commitment to superior support. I believe that we’ve built a team of the very best. At it’s best, urgentVPS was consistently praised for its fast, effective support service. Now we’re going to top that and go one better!

urgentVPS is, and will always be, committed to exceptional quality VPS Hosting and support.

Finally, I would like to thank all of those of you that have been so patient with us over the past few weeks. I’m confident that you will now reap the rewards of a fresh new approach at urgentVPS, upholding our high standards and constantly focused on securing a stable future for your services. We’ve made mistakes - but they are mistakes that we have learned from and rest assured; we won’t be making them again.

urgentVPS. We’re better.

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