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QuadraNet announces Asia Optimized Network Segment!

Posted by CGotzmann, 08-25-2010, 03:08 AM
We have excellent news to share!
We here at QuadraNet know the importance of the growing Chinese and Taiwanese markets on the Internet.
Typically, users reaching out to the USA from these 2 country's have a hard time due to saturation of peering ports operated by Chinese residential ISP's. They suffer from high latency and packet loss which severely diminishes their Internet experience on websites hosted in the USA.

As the poor service is actually isolated on these users' ISP's it is very difficult for them to overcome. We have developed a specialized segment of our network specifically aimed at optimizing routing paths to provide Chinese and Taiwanese users with as good an experience as possible into the USA. Through specifically designated blocks of IP Addresses, a special selection of transit backbones, hand picked peering relationships, and a whole lot of continuous networking labor we have been able to provide the majority of Chinese and Taiwanese users with latencies around 200ms or lower and speeds fast enough to max out their residential broadband connections.

Some fun facts:
- We have 10GigE peering with Taiwan's HiNet residential ISP.
- We have 10GigE peering with ChinaTelecom residential ISP.
- We have multiple route paths available to reach both ChinaTelecom and ChinaUnicom via private peering sessions and transit through other networks.
- By segmenting Asian Optimized IP's we are able to concentrate only optimal paths to these IP's and simply not allowing the network traffic to reach these IP's by any other sub-optimal route. We are able to make changes on the fly to compensate for any surprise issues which may popup with any one specific route.
- We have signed contracts with additional backbones for the specific purpose of serving JUST Chinese network traffic.

We've made the investment into Chinese and Taiwanese traffic -- both literally and figuratively. We take business sourced from Asia seriously and will continue to work to provide excellent service.

For more information on how our Asian Optimized Network works and why it works, please contact us at sales@quadranet.com

Christopher Gotzmann
Vice President of Sales
QuadraNet, Inc.
Dedicated Servers, Colocation, Cloud Services, and More!
Datacenters in Los Angeles and Dallas!

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