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Posted by IGobyTerry, 07-15-2010, 04:13 PM
Providence, Utah – July 15, 2010 – VPS.NET has just formally announced its sponsorship of the new startup Peppermint OS. This partnership will reinforce both companies’ commitment to providing products that complement and improve the performance of web centric applications—like Gmail, HULU, Youtube and Pandora—and the people that use them.

If you are an avid internet user, how fast you can send and receive the information that you need is very important to you. You want speed, but you also need for your internet applications to be stable, secure and easy to use. This is especially important if your business is involved.

As one of the world’s top providers of virtual private server cloud hosting, VPS.NET is constantly researching and developing smarter and more intuitive services to meet these growing needs. As part of its commitment to innovation, VPS.NET is sponsoring the recently released Peppermint OS One and the soon to be released Peppermint Ice, two Linux based operating system that are cloud/web application centric.. VPS.NET will be providing the infrastructure for Peppermint OS’ online presence. Through this partnership, there will be an increase in the availability of those things that web centric applications and the people that use them need and demand: speed, security and ease of use.

VPS.NET has simplified the process of virtual private server cloud hosting by making it available and affordable for everyone. VPS.NET is the VPS Cloud for the masses.

If you would like more information please call Terry Myers at (305) 735-9089 or e-mail Terry at terry@vps.net.

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