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Virpus Networks announces the launch of VirtuPulse.com - a full a la carte service

Posted by VN-Ken, 07-09-2010, 01:42 PM
July 9, 2010 - KANSAS CITY, MO - Virpus Networks, Inc, a leader in budget VPS Hosting announces the continuation of its a la carte VPS service - VirtuPulse.com.

In March of 2006, Virpus launched GetAVPS.com - the very first VPS customization service offered on the market at that time. Today, the brand has died off, however with the release of VirtuPulse, Virpus hopes to bring back to light its VPS customization services it has offered since near inception.

"Over time, we lost focus of GetAVPS.com, and allowed it to die off. With more and more demand for customized solutions, we figured it was time to re-launch this service, under a new name and more aggressive pricing" says Kenneth Odem, the co-founder and Chief Executive of Virpus Networks, Inc - originally founded in Indianapolis, Indiana.

About Virpus Networks, Inc.

Founded in February of 2006 by Kenneth Odem, Virpus Networks is a leading provider in virtualized solutions. Virpus Networks today is a sustaining profitable company, that has the mission of providing business grade solutions at highly competitive price points with hundreds of customers from all across the globe.

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