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Investor: iCare/rDosti merges - IndyaMail, IndyaNow, rDosti, The7Planets, & more.

Posted by RDOSTI, 06-02-2010, 04:02 AM
As of June 1, 2010

rDosti Internet Services Pvt. Ltd. (2008), has merged IndyaMail, IndyaNow & India.HN with the help of it's investors and recently joined partners to form the iCare.

iCare Business Focuses:

Software Development
Web site Designing
Web hosting Services
Software Licensing & Installation
Hardware Licensing & Installation
Content Development
Social Networking (Web 2.0)

The following other web-sites have also been merged:
  • IndyaMail.com
  • IndyaNow.com
  • rDosti.com
  • 2Kul Hosting
  • The7Planets

"iCare" is part of rDosti Internet Services Pvt. Ltd.

The following web sites will be used for portal, hosting & billing.

Hosting Site: http://hosting.india.hn
Billing Site: http://www.indyanow.com
Portal Site:: http://www.india.hn
Social Network: http://www.rdosti.com

IndyaMail.com & all other web sites will be redirected effective June 3, 2010.

Clients of earlier hosting providers will be now hosted by iCare India Hosting (under rDosti Internet Services Pvt. Ltd.)

All previous web sites and their clients (2000+) now carry the iCare brand rather than its own.

All of these web-sites are now owned by rDosti Internet Services Pvt. Ltd.


For Investors & Partners:

As till June 2010,

Investments by rDosti Internet Services Pvt. Ltd. into:

Mphasis (An HP Company)
Jubilant Foods (Dominos Food Chain)
Sona Koya Steel (Largest Manufacturers for steering wheels for vehicles in India)
Swaraj Engine (Tractor Engines for Farming)
Whirlpool (Consumer Electronics / House Hold)

iCare Business Funding:

80-100% Sales / Revenue will be invested into stock.

20-25% Monthly Investments for iCare will be invested into stock.

Remainder 75-80% Investment will be kept for - Salaries, Marketing, R&D, Licensing, Software, & Bills of any kind.

For business plan & investing opportunities:

Contact: admin@india.hn

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