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SSH - WebHostingTalk Revolutionizes the Hosting Industry - SSH!

Posted by SoftWareRevue, 03-31-2010, 10:04 PM
SSH is the loudest innovation you've never heard.

WebHostingTalk, the definitive voice of the hosting industry, announces a revolution.

We are pleased and excited to offer the latest innovation of hosting. Five years in the making, Spare Space Hosting (SSH) has arrived!

Our developers have been working feverishly in our underground lab to break through the final barrier. How to offer truly unlimited space and bandwidth plans at an affordable price. Not only is this the most cost effective method of getting your site hosted, it's the most cost effective for us as a provider as well. And not only is it cost effective, you've never experienced anything easier!

How does it work? First for some background - even lay people are aware that the Internet travels on fiber. For those that don't understand the fiber network(s), let me explain it a bit. Think of a fiber cable as a mirror-lined corridor. Information at the beginning is converted into beams of light that bounce through this corridor. That information is then converted back to its original state at the end of the corridor.

While this has proven to be the most effective way to transport data, it's not without a cost. As beams are bounced (with no 2 beams sharing the same point) there are always blank spots (spare spaces) in the fiber that, until now, remain unused. Our breakthrough revolution utilizes those spare spaces to make hosting even more affordable and a whole lot easier.

Imagine sitting at your computer and creating a web site. Anyone with any kind of site knows what I'm talking about. You create a site on your computer and can even preview how it will look on the web. But what if you didn't have to upload it to your "hosted domain"? What if, instead of opening a file transfer system, pointing your files to your space on the web and grabbing a cup of coffee and a sweet roll as you wait for them to upload, you simply add a short snippet of code? Imagine no more. The future is here. The future is now. And the future is spelled Spare Space Hosting!

Of course, your entire site won't fit in one of the billions and billions of spare spaces available. We've implemented a proven method that "hosts" your site in several spaces. Bits may be spread over many regions of the globe. But our technology pulls it all together in the end. When someone types in your domain name, our system searches for the code you've embedded in your site. Once it's tracked them down, they're served up on the visitors computer. I know - it sounds simple. And although the system is completely complicated and contrived, using it is as easy as opening your text editor, building your site and never worrying again.

Heard enough? Ready to get started building your site and not having to upload it? Ready for all the space and bandwidth you need? Ready? Set. Go! Watch for the official WHT SSH offers coming soon!

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