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PacificHost unveils new cPanel skin and adds new auto-script installer program

Posted by wirefusemedia, 02-20-2010, 04:03 PM
PacificHost, a provider of linux based, shared and reseller hosting announced earlier today the release of a new cPanel skin for its shared and premium hosting customers. PacificHost also announced the addition of a new auto-installer which allows customers to automatically install a wide variety of new and supported scripts on its services.

cPanel is the most popular control panel used in hosting services today. Pacifichost just unveiled its new "PacificPanel" skin which hopes to bridge the gap between billing, support and managing a website. The new panel features a new twitter widget allowing clients to view the company's twitter updates in their control panel. It also comes with a list of new icons allowing the customer to switch back and forth between their Client Portal, Support Center and cPanel account.

With the new skin came a few new custom icons, including the "Inode Distribution" and "Running Processes" icons. The Inode page allows customers to view the amount of Inodes or Files on their account. The Processes page allows clients to view processes running on their account and gives them the ability to "kill" any rogue processes that might be hanging.

"The hosting market is a very competitive market and will continue to expand as our reliance on hosting services continues to grow. Our new skin sets us a part from the competition and helps to establish our name in the hosting industry." said Thomas Perry, the President and CEO of PacificHost."

Earlier in the week, PacificHost replaced "Fantastico", a well known script auto-installer in the industry with a new auto-installer known as "Softaculous". The up and coming installer allows users to pick from over 130 scripts and advertises to be up to 2x faster than Fantastico. Additionally, Softaculous states they update scripts after releases much faster by taking only days to push out a software update.

"Even though Fantastico was free, I truly believe this increases the value of our hosting services and thus makes any cost completely worth it. This is only part of a long list of features we plan to implement as we go deeper in 2010." said Mr. Perry.

Softaculous: http://www.pacifichost.com/softaculous-hosting.shtml

About PacificHost
Originally formed in 1999, PacificHost provides high quality shared and reseller hosting solutions to clients worldwide. Hosting includes, 24/7 Technical Support, 99.9% guaranteed uptime and a 30 Day money back guarantee.

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