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EZPZ Hosting: Master Resellers Can Now Automatically Create Sub-Resellers

Posted by Dan_EZPZ, 01-15-2010, 07:48 PM
We’re proud to announce that EZPZ Hosting is the first to release a WHMPHP module to allow resellers to automatically create sub-resellers with WHMCS.

Previously there was no way to automatically create a sub-reseller so this had to be handled manually, however with our WHMCS module this can now be performed automatically! The module is incredibly simple to setup and requires you to upload just two files to your WHMCS installation.

A new client can order a reseller package through your website and automatically have the account setup and the welcome email sent within seconds. The module can also be used to automatically suspend, unsuspend and terminate the reseller directly through WHMCS.

To download this package, resellers can visit the client area at https://clients.ezpzhosting.co.uk – go to ‘My Products/Services’ and click the icon next to your reseller package. Full instructions on setup and usage are also included.

If you have any new ideas for this module, we would love to hear them.

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