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Lightning Speed Helpdesk — Vision2.0 beta Launched

Posted by ThinkSupportAdmin, 06-08-2009, 02:46 AM
TheVisionWorld.com developers of Vision Helpdesk — launched Vision Helpdesk 2.0, A lightning speed helpdesk intended to create a better web-based helpdesk experience for users. Available in beta version, Vision2.0 is a new approach to the web-based helpdesk that’s based on the simplicity and power that’s what users need in today’s web world.

Speed matters when it comes to web applications — “That’s True” says Company HR. Preeti Sharma.

“Imagine a web-based helpdesk software that works like a local windows application — Sounds great!! Isn’t it ? — Vision2.0 works on PHP-Ajax to equip users with a web application that works just like a windows application, fast yet secure.” said Sharma.

She added — “Vision 2.0 reflects the state of the art in web based helpdesk solutions. It well derives benefits of latest Web2.0 technology that offers user-experience improvement, decreasing user delay, decrease in bandwidth usage, high speed results and much more.”

Apart from speed Vision2.0 includes unmatched features like — Satellite Helpdesk, Paid Support, Robost Mail Parser, Plugin Based Features, Multi-Language, Migration Tool, Antivirus Tool, Auto Upgrades & Installation, Google Hosted Emails (POP3 & IMAP SSL), Customized Tool Bar, Service Level Agreements, Report Generation, Custom Fields, 3rd Party Live Chat Integration, Login Integration, Knowledge Base, Downloads, Predefined, News, Troubleshoot, Advance Search, Alerts, Filters, Labels, Flags, Address Book, Calender and much more..

Check out Vision2.0 screenshots, previews and online demo at — http://www.thevisionworld.com

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