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PEER 1 Selected to Join Microsoft BizSpark Program

Posted by CLucich, 03-27-2009, 11:32 AM
The BizSpark program is a new global program designed to help accelerate the success of early stage startups by connecting them to Network Partners: active members of the global software ecosystem that can provide mentorship, guidance and resources to BizSpark enrolled startups. BizSpark creates an ongoing, mutually beneficial ecosystem between Microsoft Corp., startups and Network Partners.

"As a hosting Network Partner for Bizspark we provide the highly flexible and scalable hosting environment needed for startups as well as small to mid-size businesses," said Lee Hadsock, channel sales manager for PEER 1. "This represents an additional channel to attract promising new companies with rapid growth potential that will require the high performance network and advanced technical support that PEER 1 provides."

With more than 10,000 customers, PEER 1 has worked with many startups that began as small, unknown, online companies and are now some of the most popular Internet sites; these include YouTube and Plentyof Fish.com. Understanding the unique development needs of online businesses as well as the complexities of hosting and internet infrastructure means that PEER 1 can help companies to succeed with the BizSpark program.

Full press release here: http://www.peer1.com/aboutus/news.php?id=95

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